Someone at XDT.CO.UK has been sending you spam?


Please accept our apologies if you have been receiving spam from an address that appears to belong to XDT.CO.UK.

Please be assured that we never send out unsolicited e-mail. We do not hold any lists of e-mail addresses or any other personal details of any sort.

We have recently been receiving a large volume of "bounce" mail messages over the last three or four months. These are all being sent to "Adrian.2909 at".

We're guessing that someone out there is sending a large volume of spam messages with a spoofed sender address.

Judging from the volume of bounce messages, we believe that there is an even larger amount of spam out there apparently originating from XDT.CO.UK that is actually being delivered to unsuspecting victims.

The senders of these messages are spoofing the sender name of the e-mail to make it difficult to trace the real originator.

You can help us, and everyone else, combat the selfish spammers by reporting the source of spam to the appropriate people. Many of the soureces of spam are systems that have been compromised by viruses and other infections. By reporting spam perhaps those systems will get fixed and tightened up so that they are more resistant to attacks. We would be delighted if you would help us report this abuse to the people who may be able to do something about it. Here's what to do.

We have traced the source of some of the messages and they originate from IP addresses that are from places all over the world. We cannot see any pattern to the origins and suspect that they are from systems that have been compromised by one or more viruses or trojans.

Most of the messages that we have seen are "pump and dump" stock scams (Securities & Exchange Commission and Wikipedia). You should obviously ignore their recommendations.

You can find out more information about reporting spam and "Report Spam E-Mails" gives some more suggestions. Spam Cop allows you to paste spam messages and headers into their web site and will do the reporting for you. If your site is under serious threat then Coping with a Joe Job might be useful. Visualware has a very useful tutorial and a spam tracking tool and SamSpade has lots of useful online tools and a downloadable freeware tool suite for Windows®.

Technical Support Tools and InternetFrog have some useful online tools including one that allows you to check that your IP address has no tbeen blacklisted. Web-max Tools has another one.

Thank you for your help and understanding.